Nuclear Engineering, Criticality Safety, and Health Physics

MOHR maintains a team of nuclear engineering, nuclear criticality safety, and health physics experts, providing the nuclear community with hard-to-find consulting expertise in nuclear plant analysis, design, and maintenance. Our Criticality Safety group makes use of the latest radiation transport codes and has excellent computing facilities.
Criticality Safety and Health Physics Team
- Includes well-known criticality and radiation safety experts
- Hundreds of individual publications
- Decades of experience with real-world applications
- Credentials available upon request
Nuclear Shielding
- Evaluation of shielding requirements for handling and storing high-enriched nuclear materials, rad-waste, and fuel processing applications
- Evaluation of rad-protection and alarm systems to provide selection of location and general response characteristics
Nuclear Instrumentation
- Evaluation of instrumentation concepts for measurement of fissile material in soil matrices, drum configurations, and process applications
- Design of instrumentation to measure 233U, 235U, 239Pu mixtures in soil or other silicate matrices with densities 0.5 - 2.5 g/cc and water contents of 0 - 80%; drum and process measurement applications
- Absolute Gamma-ray spectrometric measurements in high background radiation fields
Codes and Computing Facilities
- Skilled in the use of MCNP, MONK, KENO, SCALE, and other radiation transport codes
- State of the art computing facilites
- Experts maintain and run all the codes