Mohr Adds Internet Streaming, Remote Control and Video Capture to Microwave/RF TDR Cable Testers
Mohr and Associates today introduced software upgrades for their CT100 Series Time-Domain Reflectometer (TDR) cable testers and bundled CT Viewer (tm) TDR analysis software that add real-time Internet streaming and remote control for leverage of remote engineering expertise. The upgrades also allow CT Viewer to remotely capture TDR data in an AVI video file at more than 250 waveforms per second for later analysis of transient impedances.
Real-Time Network Streaming and Remote Control
The software upgrades let CT100 Series TDRs stream data to and be controlled remotely by CT Viewer(tm) in real-time over a LAN/WAN or the Internet, eliminating distance as a factor for organizations that could benefit from improved engineering oversight. Principal Engineer Charles Mohr says, "Engineering expertise may not always be where you need it. With these new capabilities, it doesn't matter if you are on a ship in the middle of the Pacific or an airfield in Afghanistan -- real-time engineering assessments are available right over the network."
AVI Videos of TDR Waveforms
Although CT100 Series TDRs can acquire up to 500 TDR waveforms per second natively, the new software upgrades give CT Viewer(tm) the ability to remotely acquire TDR data at frame-rates of more than 250 waveforms per second and store it as an AVI video file for later playback and analysis. Mohr says the new upgrade is ideal for analyzing intermittent cable faults with better than 4 ms temporal resolution, quantifying real-time switch and button performance, and exploring TDR-based sensor techniques in geophysics and other fields.
CT100 Series TDRs and CT Viewer(tm) TDR Analysis Software
With system risetimes as low as 60 ps (20-80%) and cursor resolution of 75 microns, CT100 Series instruments are the industry's highest-resolution portable TDRs. Ideal for field maintenance and troubleshooting of all modern microwave/RF and digital communications cables and interconnects, these instruments are the only commercially-available replacement for the popular Tektronix(r) 1502C Metallic TDR. CT100 Series TDRs are bundled with CT Viewer(tm) host PC software, a full-featured TDR waveform analysis software package designed for Microsoft(r) Windows(r) XP/Vista.
Together, CT100 Series TDRs and CT Viewer(tm) form the basis of a robust industrial cable maintenance program. To learn more about CT100 Series TDRs and CT Viewer(tm), visit and, respectively. Prices for CT100 Series TDRs start at US$13,500.
About Mohr and Associates
Established in 1983, Mohr and Associates develops innovative test and measurement solutions for industry. In addition to its new CT100 Series line of high-resolution TDR cable testers, Mohr and Associates also offers guided radar liquid-level sensors and automated materials test equipment. Mohr and Associates' website is at
Contact: Brandt Mohr
Phone: +1 (888) 852-0408
Fax: +1 (888) 278-8037
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